Sustainable Foods
We need a better solution for our global food supply and diet based health related disease quandaries.
Before the turn of the 20th century, domestic crops were all "organic". It wasn't until after World War II that pesticides, insecticides, herbicides became pervasive. You likely already know, as increasing populations demanded increasing food supplies, farming became more industrialized to improve not only efficiency but increased crop yield. This revolution required the use of artificial and harmful chemicals. There are two fundamental problems with widespread pesticide, insecticide, and herbicide usage.
One: Insects and plants and fungi become resistant to the chemicals used in these products over time. A byproduct of this evolution means stronger chemicals must be used to keep yields nominal and profitable. It goes without saying - ingestion of "chemicals" are harmful to your body.
Two: Because these chemicals have degraded a plants ability to adapt and survive, Genetically Modified Organisms or GMO foods have been engineered to withstand poisonous applications in order to survive. GMO foods equate to harsher crop chemical application. And perhaps more importantly - we still don't have an understanding of long term effects GMO foods have on humans or animals. Google "roundup ready crop" or review the following link from Harvard University: Why Roundup Ready Crops Have Lost their Allure
Solution: Most of the aforementioned crops are used for the livestock industry. If we all commit to plant based food and meals we would have enough land available to feed the world.
I won't go deep into the ramifications of this harmful cycle - if you would like to read more you can check out the following article from the Smithsonian: Is the Livestock Industry Destroying the Planet?