The Story of Healing my cancer naturally
(Skip introduction and go to the Healing Protocol)
I was waiting in the office of my family doctor Dr. Al, still convinced that this was all a mistake, that it could be anything they saw on the mammogram I took 2 weeks earlier. Mammograms, little did I know at that point, can cause a potential tumour to grow even bigger and because they were sure “there is something” they took over 20 images squeezing my boobs painfully between two metal plates. A few days later the Brandon hospital called and told me I need to come back for more mammograms and an ultra sound. I did as I was told and endured more of the torture and finally got the ultra sound done by a radiologist whose standard answers was “I don’t know”. They took a biopsy the same day and the only answer I received over and over was “I don’t know”. I knew one thing: they are all wrong and I just went there to confirm this and proof them all wrong!
Dr. Al entered the room and we had the usual chat about how it is going at the ranch. Dr. Al is the most caring and considerate physician I have ever had as a family doctor. And he means it when he asks: 'how are you doing?' Then he started his consult with me looking at his computer and suddenly froze. His smile turned into a terrified gaze for 10 seconds, his eyes wide and his brows worried and he covered his open mouth with his right hand. I was still confident that the disease who nobody want to even say the word, did not hit me. He looked at me and said: “I am so sorry, you have breast cancer…”. That really didn’t fit in my plans to go to Texas for kiteboarding in April! Maybe they can fix me before I go … I will find a way as always!
Driving home from Russell in Manitoba Canada, I realized that this may not fit as easy in my motto “there is a solution for every problem, you just have to find it”. The only thing I knew about cancer was that most people die and some survive. I would be one of the survivors! But what if not. What if I die? A sudden fear arose, my head got hot, the blood in my veins was raging through my body and I had tears in my eyes. This feeling of fear wasn’t something common in my life. As a professional skydiver and stuntwomen I was known as being fearless and as the “she is afraid of nothing” kind of girl. It suddenly reminded me of a situation when I was 16, when my boyfriend cheated on me. Weird comparison, but the raging blood and hot head and tears were the same.
I wouldn’t tell anybody. I just didn’t want to talk about it. But of course my boyfriend asked me how the appointment went and I told him. He held me in his arms in a way he never did before and said: “I know that you can overcome this and no matter how you choose to do it, I will support you!” Wow, this felt really good! “I have to go to Winnipeg to see an oncologist at the Cancer Care Center. Not sure how this interferes with our plans to go you south Padre.” I replied with agony in my heart. I was so looking forward to go kiteboarding but I guess I first have to make sure I survive. Mmmmh, dying, how will this feel? Well, if the universe has this in mind for me I will die with my beloved dog Edward who was already 10 years. Edward is my soul dog and my most loyal companion. I found him on Provincial road 366 in 2012, starved to the bones, wild and fighting for food. We bonded shortly after I picked him up and have been together since. I picked up a lot of dogs and other animals that people abandoned and gave them a home. Maybe I could do something really good before I go? Dying as a hero sounded great to me. The fear of dying suddenly wasn't as prominent anymore.
My first appointment with the oncologist was just a week later. Everybody seemed to rush and I went with the flow, not knowing anything about how fast that thing grows and whether there is a rush or not. The oncologist was nice and everyone at the Winnipeg Cancer Care treated me like I was dying tomorrow which was sweet but not very comforting. The doctor said she would like to do surgery as soon as possible and I needed some time after that to recover. Furthermore she wanted me to take Tamoxifen for a few years, Radiation for a few months and during surgery not only would they cut a piece of my left breast out but also remove lymph notes which is the reason I can’t do any sports or work after surgery. So it seemed I have to go through some horrible stuff but it sounded like I didn’t have a choice and I got an appointment for surgery 3 weeks later. Driving home I already doubted that this was the right route to go. There must be something else, an alternative. Is it really that bad? After all I am not in pain or feel any discomfort.
Back home I started researching and the first thing I found was a story of a women somewhere in Scandinavia who had breast cancer and healed it with only eating fruits and vegetables. She spent a few months on a island, just relaxing, swimming, eating and sleeping. When she came back the tumor was entirely gone and she went back to her stressful life. Not long and the cancer came back but bigger this time. She went on the island again, same thing and got rid of it. This time she was smarter. She quit her job and kept a lifestyle with healthy food, meditation and sport. This story was already 50 years ago. Wow.
My very good friend Lisa sent me a lot of websites of other cancer survivor who healed their cancer naturally. It was out of these stories that I gained hope that I would be able to heal naturally as well. Lisa also connected me with a women who had breast cancer 20 years ago and I had the chance to talk to her. She had the traditional treatment but after 5 years the cancer came back and it wasn’t before she changed her lifestyle that she really healed and had no recurrence since.
Now, did you know that someone who took chemo and radiation to kill the cancer counts as a survivor when she/he lived 5 years after the treatment? And did you know that more often than not, cancer survivors have a recurrence after 5 to 10 years and then need more aggressive treatments and the chance of healing is minimal? I was only 54, I wanted to live longer than that. This is not the way I want to go. I want more than that! My research continued and I found different programs for natural healing. Some programs still allow you to eat meat, which was very strange to me, knowing that meat was proven to cause cancer (Yes, I read the entire “China study” which is the most comprehensive study about meat and dairy ever conducted). The Gerson diet which was mainly developed to heal migraine headaches, turned out to be beneficial for cancer healing, was much more appealing to me. I prepared raw meals but this was so time intense that I had no time to do anything else. I found Chris Wark whose cancer regimen is very similar to the Gerson diet and he said: “ keep it simple” and this was my inspiration to create anti-cancer meals. To start, I just piled different veggies on my plate, created the most delicious dressings and topped the salad with cooked mushrooms and tofu or tempeh. I ate raw food for 3 months before I integrated warm healthy meals into my diet again and there I developed my passion for creating meals. As I always loved to eat and had a hard time staying on a “diet” I exchanged the ingredients of my favorite meals to make them delicious while having the added benefits of being healthy and healing. I had the goal to survive which meant the change to my meals was easy and discovered I loved my new food more and more. Every food that feeds cancer I saw as a poison and it made it so easy to stay away from it.
As the Gerson Diet suggests I juiced veggies every day and drank a lot of it, so much that I turned orange from the carrots.
Additionally I found some natural treatments like High dose Vitamin C IV, Wormwood IV, Ozone treatment and many herbs and supplements. Coffee enema was one of my detox regimens even though I hated this part of my natural treatment. Better than taking chemo therapy I was telling myself.
One year later I went to the Cancer Care in Winnipeg again and surprised my oncologist with a smaller tumor. She said: “not sure how you did that, but keep doing what you do”. She wanted to know everything I was doing and wrote it down.
The radiologist wasn’t as friendly. He was very rude and ask me what I want from them in the first place, not taking their treatments. Maybe you rather ask me how I did this or congratulate me. I guess they don’t make money having patients heal cancer with food and natural treatments. And I wished so much that I had just a little financial support, but if you don’t take the expensive deadly treatment health insurance doesn’t give you a penny. But what is money compared to my life, so I ended up selling my place later to be able to survive.
When Covid started …. That basically killed the business at my guest ranch and additionally I had no staff as they usually were “Work and Travel” students from overseas. I took care of more than 60 animals all by myself which was a challenge already. Then something horrible happened and 2 of my dogs went for a walk to the neighbor and someone shot them. One survived and lost a leg and my favorite baby was gone. I grieved and hated life, my neighbor and covid. The pain didn’t want to stop, I was unhappy and had to force myself to stay with my healthy food. And my condition got worse when I realized my tumor came back.
Luck and some positive thoughts and meditation suddenly sent me 2 helpers for the ranch and I was able to spend 5 weeks in the south. Me and my dog Edward drove with the camper to North Carolina for some kiteboarding fun. I read the book The Magic by Rhonda Byrne which helped me get grounded, grateful and positive again. I even met someone I started to care about a lot. He was a sailor and owned a sailboat that he wanted to fix up to go to the Arctic. Back home I exercised even more than before and did more detox with a sauna blanket, enemas and healed again. The tumor was gone completely! I felt wonderful, my body was in perfect shape and my energy level was over the top.
My new love invited me to come to Newfoundland to see the boat. There was just one catch. I needed to be vaccinated for covid to fly there, at least one shot. I refused the vaccine so far because my naturopath told me that they have seen tumors growing after the covid vaccination. I decided to get one shot anyway because not going would give me frustration and sadness which is also not good for my health. 6 weeks later on the flight I caught covid. It wasn’t too bad, like a really tough cold. I regretted my decision to get the jab even more when I felt the tumor was growing again. I told myself, I did it before and I can do it again. And I did!
So the take away is that I can actually control the cancer with my lifestyle. Stress, toxins and bad food choices make me sick, but happiness, a stress free life and good food is making me healthy. I have control! WOW! I just have to take the wheel in my hands, be the captain of my boat.
Most of the work I had to do was to research and learn as much as possible. Knowledge is power! I wanted to share this with the world. So many people trust the doctors and don’t even know that is was possible. And even if you choose conventional treatment, changing your lifestyle is vital to survive long-term and good food choices also reduce the effects of harmful chemo therapy and radiation. I finished my studies as a Holistic Nutrition and Health coach in 2023 to be able to help others with autoimmune diseases. I work mostly online but I am also traveling through my home country Canada to do in-home coaching and teach courses.
I also published a book "Healthy - Easy - Delicious" in 2022 to show how easy it is to make healthy meals even if you are a “really bad cook” ;)
My Healing Protocol
Cancer fighting foods
I distinguish between “very beneficial foods” which are foods that actually kill cancer and cancer stem cells and “beneficial food” which is food that promotes healing in general and strengthens the immune system. And then we have foods that don’t cause harm and don’t feed cancer but it has not enough healing properties to only eat from this group. And the more we choose from the first group the faster we heal. Below you find also a food list of foods you should absolutely stay away from if you have cancer. But the good news is, there are replacement foods for almost everything, that taste similar and as good or better .
Very beneficial Foods
Garlic, leek and onion contain allicin and are one of the most powerful anti-cancer vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, brussel sprouts, cabbage and kale contain indole-3-carbinol, isothiocyanates and sulphoraphanes which is anticancer, anti-inflammatory, immunosupportive and antioxidant.
Berries contain quecitin and ellagic acid which promote apoptosis (cancer cell death) and is anti-angiogenic (angiogenesis is the growth of blood vessels feeding the tumour).
Mushrooms contain apigenin, beta-glucan and aromatase- inhibiting compounds which are potent anti-cancer components.
Nuts and seeds have anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects in cancer cells. Nuts and seeds contain important polyphenols, minerals, and tocopherols. Flax and chia seeds contain anti-estrogenic compounds called lignans. A huge benefit is that their inclusion at mealtimes facilitates the absorption of anti-cancer phytochemicals in vegetables by more than 20-fold.
Broccoli-sprouts are 100 times more potent than the actual broccoli. Other sprouts like red clover, alfa-alfa, lentil sprouts also contain anti-cancer properties. You can get sprouts in Natural Grocery stores or you can make your own.
Vitamin C is another potent cancer killer and a great immune system supporter. Citrus fruits, goji berries, kiwi, parsley, broccoli, peppers, kale and many more vegetables are good sources. The highest content of vitamin C is found in alma berries. They are very bitter and hard to get. But there are some organic powders that I used in smoothies and those can be ordered online. IV vitamin C treatment is actually the best way to go. (more about this in the section Other Natural Treatments and Supplements).
Green Tea contains a flavonoid called EGCG which stimulate cells to build more natural anti-inflammatory defences and inhibition of cancer cell growth and proliferation.
Carotenoids found in carrots and beets are powerful anti-cancer compounds. These and other red vegetables also contain Vitamin A, alfa-carotine, falcarinol and lycopene which inhibit the growth of cancer. The best way to get these nutrients into your body is juicing (more about juicing below).
I included these foods in my every day meals and this was the base of my healing. Let’s have look at more foods that are good to eat.
Beneficial foods
Basically all vegetables are great for healing especially when eaten raw. It was a challenge at first to eat raw but I got used to it very quickly. I ate a variety of veggies every day as a salad. I eat a variety of veggies every day as each individual contain different nutrients and your body needs all of them. The dressing and nuts, seeds, mushrooms, tempeh or tofu and other additions is what makes the veggie plate delicious. Some veggies are also beneficial when cooked because the cooking process unfolds other beneficial nutrients. Some of these are tomatoes, carrots and sweet potatoes.
I found that the optimal strategy is to eat 80% of your meal raw and 20 % cooked. Choosing 50/50 or 40/60 may also be an option but the more nutritious food you get into your body the faster you heal.
Note: mushroom always have to be cooked to destroy a toxin that may be present in these wonderful healing things.
It is important to eat a variety of plant based foods every day. Depending where you are with your healing you can integrate legumes and certain oils, pink and purple potatoes, lentil or chickpea pasta and other foods.
3 litre filtered water a day
I drink 1-2 cups of coffee and a tea in the morning.
Coffee isn’t great if you drink too much of it but does have some benefits and if you need a coffee or two in the morning to wake up it is totally ok. But drink one glass of water first.
different teas throughout the day (not sweetened)
unsweetened soy, almond or other nut milks for coffee or tea
If you have a hard time to get your water intake of 2 litre a day, I would recommend to eat more fruits and veggies as they contain lots of water. Another advantage of getting more water from fruits is that the water is structured and better bioavailable than some tap waters. Soups are also a great way to get more water in your body. Easy recipes here or in my recipe book.
Water Quality
Most of our water is contaminated with micro plastics, fertilizer and other chemicals. On top of it, it is chlorinated and contains fluoride. These are all harmful chemicals that your body has to get rid of. To give your body a break from cleaning, I highly encourage you to get a water filter. The best one on the market is the Berkey filter.
The following foods should be avoided:
animal products (eggs may be an option in some cases)
all processed food
sugar, white and brown
white flour (which is in bagel and muffins and such)
artificial sweeteners
pops and energy drinks
all oils and fats except for those mentioned above
alcoholic drink
Sugar and grains with a high glycemic index are foods that feed cancer and they are probably the most difficult things to stay away from for most people. But there is an alternative! I make cakes and chocolate with dates, avocados, nut butter, raw cacao, alternative flours and coconut milk.
Clean living
Clean living is part of a new lifestyle. There are so many chemicals in shampoos, soaps and detergents. A healthy body has the ability to remove toxins but without having to remove these toxins, your body has more power and capacity to work on healing itself. To give your body the full capacity of healing it would be necessary to change to natural soaps, detergent, laundry soap and cleaner.
Stay away from the microwave! It is convenient but you can always heat your food on the stove!
A restful sleep is a very important part of healing as it gives the body time to restore and recover. Here are some general rules for a better sleep:
go to bed before 10 pm
reduce screen time or eliminate completely after 7 pm
prepare yourself mentally to go to sleep with a prayer or meditation
make sure your bedroom is dark, quiet and comfortable
turn off all electronic devices in the bedroom, including wifi in the house
a passionflower tea, valerian root and /or St. Johns wart tea in the evening is a good way to help sleep and to calm down. Another really good sleep aid is 1 g of fresh ground nutmeg after or with your evening meal.
I took additionally Melatonin in doses of 10-200 mg (over 30 mg I used suppositories). Several studies in the last years have shown that high doses of Melatonin is tumour suppressing and anti cancer.
Stress reduction
This is a very important part of healing. Stress causes cancer and we are coming into a vicious circle. Life is stressful then we get the diagnosis and this causes even more stress and everything that comes with the diagnosis like family and high costs of treatments is like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.
First of all, don’t let anyone tell you when you probably gonna die! You decide that. The more you change into this new lifestyle the faster you will heal and the longer you will live. Soon you will feel an improvement and you will have more energy to work on more healing and exercise more.
Positive affirmation is a powerful tool. Tell yourself as many times as you remember: “I am healed”
Don’t use the future tense. Your subconscious mind works best with the words that tell you that you already are, where you want to be.
Imagine how it feels like to be healthy, make plans for the future - where do you want to be in 10 years?
Meditation and Yoga are not only powerful to help healing your body but also reduces stress and anxieties. I am taking online mediation classes. Contact me if you need help to find a fitting coach for you.
The fastest way to get nutrients in your body is to juice veggies and some fruits and drink this throughout the day. For a "reset" and accelerated healing you can do a juice fast for a week or even a month for quicker results.
I am taking Vitamin D, K, B6 and B12, C, Zinc and Magnesium. I suggest to take all of them. A blood test with a Naturopath may be advantageous to see exactly where you are at.
It is important to take a supplement that is bio-available. Supplements are not well regulated and there are many really bad ones out there.
Detoxing is very important to promote healing and I went through different detoxification protocols in the last years including coffee enemas, glutathione, binders for heavy metal and mold and more.
Alternative natural treatments
IV Vitamin C -
Pulse Electro Magnetic Field therapy (PEMF)
Ozone treatments
Mistletoe treatment
This is a lot, I know. But it is so worth it! If you are overwhelmed and need help let me know. I would be happy to hold your hand through this! Contact me